For more than a century, the members of the DAR have dedicated themselves to historical preservation, promotion of education, and encouragement of patriotic endeavor. These goals are as relevant in today's society as they were when the organization was founded in 1890.
For almost 90 years, the members of the Captain Joshua Gray-Jonathan Hatch Chapter, NSDAR, have been committed to furthering the mission of the National Society. We not only provide monetary support but we love having our boots on the ground. Our members have raised funds, donated time, offered guidance and assistance, conducted research, and worked hand-in-hand with various organizations throughout Cape Cod.
Below we share some of our Projects.
Want to get involved? Contact us!
Service to America
The DAR Good Citizens program is a wonderful way to recognize outstanding young people who exhibit the qualities of good citizenship in their homes, schools, and communities.
The DAR Good Citizens program and Scholarship Contest is intended to encourage and reward the qualities of good citizenship. The program is open to all high school seniors enrolled in public or private schools accredited by their state board of education. United States citizenship is not required.
Each school's DAR Good Citizen receives a DAR Good Citizens pin, certificate, and wallet recognition card. This student is then eligible, if he/she wishes, to enter the DAR Good Citizens Scholarship Contest.
More information may be obtained by contacting our chapter or at DAR.org.
Historic Preservation
In 2016 and 2017, our chapter sponsored the recovery and much needed repair of a family photo album given to the Eastham Historical Society by Eastham sea captain, Edward Penniman’s granddaughter, Emma Broun. The photo album is currently on display at the School House Museum.
In 2018 and 2019, our chapter facilitated the purchase of the First Peoples display case at the Eastham School House Museum.
In 2019 and 2020, our chapter continued its support of the First Peoples 400th Anniversary project by funding a professional genealogist, Dan Zoto, to date, catalogue, and create a display of Native artifacts, recently discovered to be in the School House collection.